
AUGUST: Today's Sightings & Lens Practice

Today: Snowy Egret and a Forster’s Tern catching large fish, A Red-tailed Hawk, and a Belted King Fisher twice. In 6 years I have only seen a King Fisher once. I also have not seen all this activity and diversity of birds at once either. It was a good walk. I actually took my first shot of a Red-winged Black bird.

I am still working on practicing with my new lens a Tamron 150-600mm with my Canon 7D. You have to turn off the image stabilizer when shooting moving objects and in AI Servo. It is best to turn the image Stabilizer on for still shots, but you can leave it in AI Servo and still get a good shot. That image stabilizer is the irritating thing because it has to be in one mode or the other or it just won't give you a good capture. 

Canon 7D is really is sensitive to over exposure. It is something I really have to practice at. 

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