
Bird-a-Day Journal (June 2015)

On June First, I started a photo Journal I call, "A Bird a Day." My goal is to photograph a bird a day from June 2015 until June 2016. I can't go every single day, but I try to as often as possible. To make this simple I am just going to add the link for each day I have recorded for each month. Click on the link to go to the album.

JUNE 2015 

June 1st: DAY #1
June 2nd: DAY #2
June 3rd: DAY #3
June 4th: DAY #4
June 5th: DAY #5
June 6th: DAY #6
June 8th: DAY #7
June 9th: DAY #8
June 10th: DAY #9
June 11th: DAY #10
June 12th: DAY #11
June 13th: DAY #12
June 16th: DAY #13
June 17th: DAY #14
June 18th: DAY #15
June 19th: DAY #16
June 22: DAY #17
June 23: DAY #18
June 24: DAY #19
June 25: DAY #20 
June 28: DAY #21
June 29: DAY #22
June 30: DAY#23

In June I missed 7 days.

Nuttall's Woodpecker

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